
  • Markdown Mate

    Markdown Mate is a VS Code pluin that allows you to easily create and edit markdown files using context menu, command palette and shortcuts. With Markdown Mate, you can generate Table of Contents, insert and modify markdown tables and format text.

    • Typescript
    • VS Code Extension
    • Markdown
  • My Resume

    Recognizing the limitations of traditional platforms like Google Docs, I sought a more customized approach to showcase my skills and experiences. Through coding, I crafted a visually appealing and well-structured resume that not only aligns with contemporary design standards but also demonstrates my proficiency in web development.

    • HTML
    • CSS
  • My Portfolio

    This is my first portfolio site. Design is inspired from Brittany Chiang but has been created using Astro framework. I started working on this just after Astro v3 was released, so I have used Astro's Content API to generate this project list that you see! I have used Preact and nanostore to add the filter functionality.

    • Typescript
    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Astro
    • Preact
  • Craiyon Server (NestJS)

    Backend for Image generating app built using NestJS. It uses DALL·E 2 API to generate and store images. For authentication it uses Json Web Token along with refresh token rotation for extra security. I have plans to add other models too.

    • Typescript
    • Node.js
    • NestJS
    • MySQL
    • TypeORM
    • REST APIs
    • JWT
    • Docker
  • Craiyon Server

    Backend for Image generating app. It uses DALL·E 2 API to generate and store images. For authentication it uses Json Web Token along with refresh token rotation for extra security. I have plans to add other models too.

    • Typescript
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • MySQL
    • Prisma
    • Shell Script
    • REST APIs
    • JWT
    • Docker
  • Frontendmentor Challenges

    Some solutions to Frontendmentor challenges that I solved to practice frontend skills especially CSS.

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • React
  • Pokedex-V2

    This is a fun project that I created when Jetpack Compose first stable version was released. It uses the Poke API to fetch and display details of Pokémons!

    • Kotlin
    • Jetpack Compose
    • Android
    • REST APIs
  • CCM - Tele ICU

    Me and some of my friends created this app for a local clinic during pandemic to help them manage and track patients details and send notifications to the doctors attending them based on the report. Later we also added a calculator for some common calculations that nurses were doing manually. I worked on the app while others did the backend.

    • Dart
    • Flutter
    • Firebase
    • REST APIs
  • UPI India - Flutter plugin

    I created this plugin to integrate payment in flutter apps using intent calls to UPI apps. It has around 50 stars in Github and 100+ likes in Pub. Unfortunately due to improved security in most major UPI Apps, support for intent calls is not very stable now resulting in archiving of this project.

    • Dart
    • Java
    • Android
    • Flutter
  • GANs

    This is a group project that I created during my final year B.Tech course. It consists of 6 different Generative Adversarial Network models including the final model for de-bluring pictures.

    • Python
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • Keras
    • Machine Learning
    • Neural Network
    • CNN
    • GAN
  • Smart Garbage Collector

    This was a group project for my final year B.Tech course. It consisted of 2 mobile apps, 1 server and an IoT device.

    • Javascript
    • Dart
    • Node.js
    • Flutter
    • REST APIs
    • IoT
  • Video Conference

    A small WebRTC video conferencing app created using Mediasoup.

    • Javascript
    • Node.js
    • Socket.IO
    • Mediasoup
    • Docker
  • T&P Cell, IGIT Sarang

    Training and Placement Cell for Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang. This was the official app for notifying students about training and placement details. It uses FCM for sending notification. I worked on the app while my friends did the backend.

    • Dart
    • Flutter
    • Firebase
    • REST APIs
  • Sudoku CNN

    A Convolutional Neural Network trained on Sudoku dataset taken from Kaggle. If you provide an incomplete sudoku puzzle, it will try to solve it using the trained CNN. It is not always correct and the faster way to solve sudoku is still usng the algorithm. This was just a fun project :)

    • Python
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • Keras
    • Machine Learning
    • Neural Network
    • CNN
  • Technovation 2020

    This was the official app for Technovation 2020 which is the techno-cultural fest of the department of CSEA, IGIT, Sarang. This app is built using Flutter and Cloud Firestore was used as the database.

    • Dart
    • Flutter
    • Firebase